Boxing Day I re-watched The Devil Wears Prada as neither Rachel nor Rob had seen it, and I love it, it makes me feel both inadequately dressed and like I might have some potential, plus it is just too cute. Last night however I watched one movie that is uber famous and I am embarrassed to admit that I have never seen it, in fact I believe that I was at one point berated for not having seen it, anyhoo it was An Affair to Remember, with Carey Grant (LOVE HIM!) and Deborah Kerr (she's okay). Upon further research I found out that my new crush Carey stopped making movies as early as 1966 - what a shame!
So now, as per Rachel and my conversation I need to have several movie marathons - one for Carey, one for Gerard Butler and I've just decided one to be devoted to old classics that I must see, or that I love.....but they have to be classics....
So, any suggestions for my classics marathon?
PS - Rachel your damn delicious chocolate is driving me crazy, and that plaid box, I freakin' love it!!!!!
You know, there's still more in my fridge, and I'm working on an even better recipe for next year (apparently sharing the recipe means I have to make it better next Christmas)!
Okay, for your classics nite, you MUST have Breakfast at Tiffany's. Also, Gone With the Wind is also a good one - although so long, it would take a nite of its own. But if anyone could do it, it would be you!
As a matter of fact I owe an Audrey Hepburn colleciton of movies, but I have never seen Gone with the wind...i know, i know, maybe we can pull an all nighter, dress up in curtains and wear lacy gloves and crazy hats - are you in?
Believe it or not, I actually own (or at least did at one point if I've since given it away) a skirt made out of a curtain... it's something of a throwback to my days in theatre...
if you still have it you MUST wear it to the party....the GWTW Party that is....I'm not sure it is appropriate elsewhere (hahaha)
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