Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Let the Incrimination Begin...

As I write this I am praying that noone from job #2 reads this.....or if they do that they completely understand my reasons for doing what I did.....

Yesterday in the midst of my crap ass tuesday at work I get this one phone call - one phone call that would completely change my day - it was Cam...... this is how the conversation went....

ME - Good afternoon, Linda speaking...

Cam - Hey - are you working tonight (@ Job #2 he means...)

ME - yep I am - why?

Cam - 'cause I was just offered Flames tickets! - wanna go?

ME- Holy crap - I'm calling in sick..... ( note that there was absolutely NO hesitation on my part in response to his ticket offer...) (please also note that I have a perfect attendance record at work...for 2.5 years - never ever ever called in sick, not even when I was acutally sick!)

Cam - really? okay....

ME - Yeah - I'll call you right back....

So I called in sick to the aforementioned (KQ) job #2 and then proceded to grin ear to ear for the remaining hour of work.....

I got home asap - had Heather drop off the BEST jersey in the world (Freddy Braithwaite #40 if you were wondering...) and jumped into the shower only to be wisked away to the game @7. It turns out that these tickets were from a certain Partner who decided that Cam was deserving enough to have use of his tickets for the evening. And boy were they ever awesome tickets!

ROW 8 BABY!!!!! ROW 8!!!!!! (now do you see why I called in sick????)

We were right at Kipper's glove for the first and third periods and got to watch Andrew Ferrence's fight right before our very eyes! Thrilling I tell you!

In the end we kicked Dallas' ass - 3 to 1 and I remembered how much fun it was to go to a Flames game.....

Today was not nearly exciting, unless you count almost dying 14 times on the drive home (the 10 minute drive home) from yoga and grocery shopping.... But I did decide that I have another new boyfriend.....I'm not sure what it is about him (maybe he reminds me of a certain Jamie?) but I just love him....... ladies and gentlemen I give you ....Rhett Warrener


Anonymous said...

when jordan and i lived in calgary, we had this tendancy to see Rhett Warrener in random locations. then, as a few of us were at the fabric store for bridesmaid dress purposes, who walks in but rhett warrener.

i would have called in sick too.

Linda said...

Nice - I am jealous of your Rhett spotting.....perhaps I should start popping around randomn locations aroud the city as well....

Heather said...

Remember his crazy fiance and how they fought and then he walked out of the store and then she stormed up and was like "WHERE IS HE" and you said "ummm, I think he's outside" and then she glared at you???

Or did that all happen minus the crazy saying "WHERE IS HE" and you answering but us laughing at how funny it would have been if you HAD told her you noticed her super hot fiance obviously pissed off leaving the store?

Either way it's pretty fricken funny.

Linda said...

He's Engaged - or I guess married now ?
damn it!

Anonymous said...

lulu- considering she was picking up her wedding dress at the time, i would assume that by now they are married.

h-mo- She came up the stairs and was looking around frantically in a "where did that bastard go" kind of way and may have muttered "where is he", i don't know. but i did indeed tell her that he went outside and she definitely gave me the death glare...and we definitely had a laugh about it.

Anonymous said...

Not going to comment on looks, but Warrener is a solid defensemen. Underrated, although he may have lost a step in the last couple years.
The Ference fight was awesome (1 and a half minutes long), and Kipper made an unbelieveable glove save about 6 minutes into the game. Fantastic. He is unbelievably quick. Lindros is huge, but was the victim of a big hit which was also fairly close to us, but on the other side of the ice.