So Mr. McFebruary is off to Europe for a 7 week tobogganing tour - and I am so damn jealous. I LOVE Europe (a fact which I'm pretty sure we are all well aware of) but I'm not sure I would want to go as part of a sledding team. I'm just not that into sledding - but hey, I can't knock it unless I've tried it right?
In any case I am sitting at my desk dreaming about a trip that I can take to get me the hell away from mortgage processing....that and the fact I constantly get emails from friends in all sorts of fun places- and by fun I mean NOT Calgary! I am for sure going to leave sometime soon - after my courses are fini, so I guess that means mid April - But hey Springtime in Paris is lovely and I do have a certain hankering for some ham sandwiches plus I need some more scarves (hey Denise!)
- Now watching McDreamy - and George just did the cutest McString of McWords - adorable, I love George....who doesn't really?
Class was over early today - I ROCKED the township system tonight - wicked! Now, just one more class to go and I'm free again until january.....
K - gotta go pack for housesitting - hasta luego...
So I guess that means I don't get my calendar?
no no I told him about it....and he promised me to get over there, or get you in contact with someone who will get you some.... don't worry - I got ya!
hmmm....yes....the calender....
I'm watching you, Le Blanc!
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