Thursday, November 22, 2007


There wasn't really a dance-a-thon but I couldn't come up with a better title so let's just go with it shall we?

Last night I dragged myself to dancing... and I did have quite a bit of fun. There were quite a few people there so it made the sets a lot more even. We did also chat about the upcoming ball season and apparently the RSCDS Calgary Branch is having a Robbie Burns Ball on Jan 12. Sounds fun, but I looked at the program and I only knew 3 of the dances... yikes!!! I guess I should buck up and learn the others.

As January is pretty much dedicated to Robbie Burns there is also a Robbie Burns dinner for the homeless that the St. Andrew's Society puts on at the Drop In Centre, this year (well 2008 actually) it is in fact a luncheon - but we are still bringing the haggis and the pipes - good times for all! Last year (and by last I mean Jan 2007, but you get the point) we served 880 people in about 35-45 minutes...... yep, we're that good!

There is also an Officer's Mess for the Highlanders that I went to last year with my good buddy Jen - from old job #2 - and her hubby... more haggis, more men in kilts, more pipes, more scotch, not so much dancing, but this time there were at least some officer's to hang out with... my kind of time I tell you! But in all seriousness I am really looking forward to this January.. it promises to be busy and fun.

February seems quite packed as well. There is a Ball in Edmonton for their branch of the RCSDS, and I got an email yesterday about another Ball at the Royal York in T.O. I love that hotel... I've stayed twice, once with Cam after a wedding down east and once with Megan on our shopping trip to H&M... that was really fun! Not sure if I can manage the airfare and such to go down, that plus the fact that I don't have a "date" to come with... we'll see I guess. Oh, and I think the Lethbridge people have a Ball in Feb too... I'll check it out in the meantime.

March brings some rest, I think, but in April we have a bit of fun... Apparently there exists a "Hawaiian Highland Festival" nothing to major, but our President wants to organize a group to go down as sort of a "Retreat" for us. Sounds interesting enough, I've never been to Hawaii and I am sure my mom would like to come... she can show me around. In addition to the fun in Hawaii I think the Monday night RSCDS people are putting on a Ball in late April... so really, I have quite the season ahead of me... wow, I'm going to be very busy (but what else is new?)

Back to present time - tonight KQ is coming for tea o'clock... I'm very excited - we haven't done this for a while....

Oh, one more thing - Saturday is Rachel's Birthday Party at my place... all are welcome to come - starts around 8ish... if you don't know where I live, then call me, or email me...



megs said...

That was a fun weekend, wasn't it?! And the Royal York really is a nice hotel - very you!

Linda said...

It was, maybe we should go again.
Remember the coffees that we had at the harbour... soooo good!!!!