Yesterday Eleni and I participated, on what I can only describe as a shop-o-rama. After Job #2, we met up at Chinook and walked, and shopped, and walked, and shopped. I am not a big shopper, I think we all know that, but yesterday we did a marathon. I guess because it wasn't mindless shopping but rather we were on a mission. I had to get some new stuff for Montreal, and Eleni and I really had to spend some quality time together.
In the end, we did find everything I needed, including JEANS! Yes, jeans, and I made a new friend for life - Duane at the Gap, love him, found me awesome jeans, and in a size smaller than I thought I would wear...lovely guy that Duane! We also made a stop at Spring (aka Transit) for some adorable black wedge heels, and a cute of the shoulder black shirt from Jacob. We also spent endless amounts of time looking for a damn plum coloured cardigan.... we never did find it, but we did have a good time asking shop people if they had any.... One girl, she was priceless, after we asked, she basically stared at us, tilted her head and asked " ummmm, can you describe it to me???" Quite, the scholar I can assure you..... We did end up with a dark lilac coloured cardigan, after some pretty funny sizing malfunctions (ps, medium, large and extra large all are the same size.... go figure)
Afterwards we fell into our chairs at Moxies, devoured our deliciouse Tandoori Salmon Salad - sooooo yummy - and popped over to the Comesy club to end out Linda and Eleni's day of fun! Comics were alright, the MC was decent, the second guy was pretty weak, but the Headliner made me laugh... the company wasn't half bad either!
When I got home, I played dressup for a while, I won't lie, it was fun... and finally went to bed, only to wake up at 11 am this morning, apparently I was quite tired.
PS - Whilst shopping around in Zara, I ran into a lovely suprise.... Snoop!!!! How awesome... plus she was with her mom and sister....Best shopping day ever, love you oodles snoop!
I KNEW you'd like jeans again if you found the right pair, and the Gap is the place for great jeans!
You were sooo right, and I think we wear the same size even... although mine aren't hemmed (plus I wear heels with them).... in nay case, I'll wear them out for lunch on the 7th and show you how cute they are!
Yayyyyyyyy I was mentioned!!!!!!!! I feel important :) it was so lovely to see you, and you looked fantastic, we all thought you'd lost alot of weight.
I can't believe you bought jeans!!
That is all I can say!
I am speechless!
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