Sunday, February 25, 2007

Where in the world......take 2

Alrighty then! Here we go again, friday blogger was seriously sucking big time, today seems better... and although I know that oodles of you do not check this blog on a sunday evening - as you are probably watching the oscars.....buuuuut, I shall do this anyways, hey I might even do a double post just for the heck of it - I mean come on, you poor poor people deprived of your weekly Where in the World contest, how atrocious! Anyhoo, here you go, and remember all of these places can be found in my photo albums.....

#1. Clues... he is NOT pointing to where he should be pointing, in fact he is missing his mark by somewhere on the order of 90 degrees... but really he stumbled on it in the first place, I don't really expect him to find it again.....but he did!

#2, Nothing too tough is found at the intersection of three roads, and it was designed by a favourite designer of mine....let's call him "B"...... if you do ever visit it, make sure to toss a coin in to ensure your return.....


Anonymous said...

I think the first one is the Tivoli fountain in Rome

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant the SECOND one...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, ok, the next time I decide to answer a post I'll double-check everything first - it's the Trevi fountain.

Anonymous said...

The first one is a statue of Christopher Columbus in Barcelona, Spain. BOO-YA!